Stata collapse
Stata collapse

stata collapse

Will restrict display to failure times up to 240, with an interval width of 6 Will use an interval width of 6 (default: 1)

stata collapse

Will display cumulative failure (instead of cumulative survival, unless survival is specified as well) Note also that the graph option may not be used with option "hazard" (see below). Adding option overlay will place all survivor curves side by side in a single panel. Note that by default the graph for each group will be displayed in a separate panel. However, it is easy to save your variable labels before collapse so that they can be used afterwards, with or without modification. As reported, it has its own idea of suitable variable labels for the new variables. Will display a life table and a plot of the survivor function for each group defined by "group" (again, the grouping variable may have any name you like). Answer collapse replaces the dataset in memory with a new dataset of group statistics. There is no choice, however, concerning the values of the "event" variable: a value of 0 indicates censored cases, any other value indicates an event, with the exception of missing values (cases with missing values in "duration" or "event" are ignored in the analysis). Of course the choice of variable names is yours. Obviously, the duration variable in this example is "duration" and the variable indicating an "event" ("death", "failure") is called event. Les algorithmes derrire le tri et le collapse ont t mis. Will produce a single life table for your data. Stata est un logiciel complet et intgr qui rpond tous vos besoins en matire de science. Life table analysis is the only exception to this, as far as I can see. you have to provide elementary information about time-to-event, failure and perhaps other stuff). For most procedures to deal with time-to-event data, you first have to stset your data (i.e. Life table analysis is simple and easy for another reason. Actually, the command offers very rich possibilities which are not (yet?) described here. In contrast to more elaborate procedures you do not have to " stset" your data. The life table command provides some ways to get a quick glance at survival (or failure time, or time-to-event) data. Simple Analyses for Survival Data Life Table Analysis Multiple Imputation: Analysis and Pooling Steps.Confidence Intervals with ci and centile.Changing the Look of Lines, Symbols etc.

Stata collapse